Sermons and Catechetical Instruction preached at our pulpit.
Baptism of Our Lord Romans 6:1-11 January 7, 2023 I’ve been a pastor now for over 10 years. I’m still young in the ministry compared to a lot of…
Advent Midweek 3 Battle for the Soul book, Baptism section December 20, 2023 The last section of the book, “Battle for the Soul,” teaches us how …
Third Sunday in Advent John 1:6-8, 19-28 December 17, 2023 If you were God and you had the power and authority to make things work any way you want…
Advent Midweek 2 Colossians 3:1-7 December 13, 2023 In part of two of his book, Pastor Fieberkorn considers each of the seven vices, how these …
Second Sunday in Advent 2 Peter 3:8-14 December 10, 2023 The Second Epistle of St. Peter isn’t a text that often comes up in our lectionary. In …
As a Lutheran pastor, I am committed to preaching the full council of God, the Law in its full sternness and the Gospel in its full sweetness!