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Are you new to St. Paul's or to the confessional Lutheran church in general?  Then you've come to the right place.  Let's begin!

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defining terms

What does this mean?

St. Paul's is a "confessional," "sacramental," and "evangelical" church.  Check out what each of these terms means.

What is the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod?




Baptized Members


Universities and Seminaries


Church bodies in fellowship with the LCMS
Liturgy and Worship

Not like everyone else!

Our liturgy and worship style is historic, with many parts dating back to even the 2nd century.  No, we don't look like a typical church where the musicians are front and center, where everyone wears jeans and tie-dye, and the "experience" supersedes the content.  We are orthodox, traditional, liturgical, and believe in reverence, sacredness, and respect as we come into our Lord's presence.  You may say we're "old school," and that's just fine.  You may think we're sort of Roman Catholic, but not really.

At St. Paul's you will find a place to come, not to be entertained or to have your ears tickled with all our therapeutic preaching and fun music, but a place to be silent, to pray, to meditate, to listen, and to respond with thankful hearts for all the wonderful things our Lord God does for us!  We are a church, not for the "have it your way" Christian, but for anyone who seriously seeks to be in the Lord's presence, to grow in faith toward God and in fervent love toward one another.

Learn about Liturgical Worship

Understanding Lutheranism

A great video developed by YouTube personality "Reformed Zoomer" about why Lutheranism is different than every other church body -- because we mean it when we say we preach the Gospel!

The Minnesota North District

198 Congregations, 19 Preschools, 8 Parochial Schools (K-12)

Visit the Minnesota North District
Brady Finnern

District President

Mike Uran

Office Manager/Treasurer

Diana Ruopp

Administrative Assistant

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