How to become a Christian

Accepting Jesus?  Deciding?  Committing?  Joining?  Getting Baptized?  What are the steps?

What you discover as you wade through the vast waters of church denominations is that for most of them, becoming a Christian is about you and your willingness to change your life or say a special prayer or make a decision or commit to something.  There is even a list of steps you must take to achieve the "status" of Christian which is taught throughout American Evangelicalism.  It's as if God is not even part of the conversation, that it's all on you.  And they always want you to have some experience or emotional outburst as a sign for them that you really mean it when you commit, decide, or will yourself to change.  This is all thanks to a movement from the 1800's that American Christianity hasn't put to bed.

Trouble is that nowhere in the Scripture do we find that conversion to Christianity is a work you or I do.  It is the work of God FOR you through Christ.  You merely receive the gift through faith.  And what of faith?  Faith is planted, nurtured, and grows by the power of the Word of God working through the Spirit to bring you to new life!  No decisions or acts of will, no commitments or promises to do better.  Simply believe what is true as the Holy Spirit helps you.  God gives this gift of faith in many ways, but one of the big ways is through Baptism as we read in 1 Peter 3:21, Acts 2:38-40, John 3:5, and elsewhere.

Now, you can reject the gifts.  The one thing your broken and sinful will can do is reject and say a big fat "no" to God's promise of forgiveness and salvation.  But you can never choose or commit to God and His promises without His Word and Spirit first working in you.  Yeah, it's a bit of a mystery how it all works out, but what's best is that you never boast in your own choices or decisions or acts of will, but boast only in the Lord who chose to die for you and give you His salvation.  Fact is, you're reading this right now which means that God is already working on you and drawing you to Himself.  This is how His living and active Word works.


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