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St. Paul's Academy

A place to learn the core teachings of the Christian faith for the first time…or all over again!

The Doctrine of Justification

Learn this core principle of Christianity in simple, helpful ways.


Learn what the Christian life is all about and the simplicity of the faith.


Learn to see work as a blessed calling given by God for the good of others.


Discover the joy of Christian worship and your connection to history and liturgy.

St. Paul’s Academy is little more than an idea right now.  We have no curriculum, not yet, no class format, no tests, no grades, and no students.  But we know there is a need in our community, and we know there is an interest.  

If you have an interest in seeing something like St. Paul’s Academy start and grow in our community, click the “Inquire” link above and leave us a comment.  

We do believe there is a sore lack of Christian education in the world, and even in the Christian church.  Lutherans have always been a church that promotes strong education and Christians who know what they believe and believe what they know.

And more information and interest is developed, more will be posted here.  If you also subscribe to our news service, you can get regular updates and weekly news sent to your inbox.  Thank you.