Announcements for December 8


Men’s Bible Study this Saturday the 7th at 9:00am. Remember to sign up to bring treats to share!

Here is a link to download the song, “Where Shepherds Lately Knelt,” one of the Children’s Christmas Program hymns. Parents, please rehearse this song with your kids!

Order your Poinsettias from Milaca Depot and have them delivered on the 20th or purchase your Poinsettias at your favorite store and bring them to church. Let’s beautify our sanctuary this year with red, white, or blue Poinsettias!

Vision and Service Shut-In Bags will be assembled and delivered on Sunday, December 15th after Sunday School/Bible Study. Since we’d love our kids to take part, we’ll also have a couple pizzas and pop for anyone to enjoy while we work. If you’d like to join us, please stick around after Bible Study on the 15th. You are also welcome to bring something to stuff in the bags. Thank you!