St. Paul's Lutheran Church

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Issue: XLV.a

November 5, 2023

  • Advent/Christmas Service Schedule
  • Sunday School/Adult Bible Study
  • Children’s Christmas Program
  • Weekly Devotion
  • Weekly Report

Advent and Christmas Services

The Midweek Advent Services will be on December 6th, 13th, and 20th at 5:00pm.  Pastor Carlson is still working out the final details regarding this year’s Advent Midweek theme.

The Children’s Christmas Program will be Sunday, December 24th at 9:00am!  Rehearsals begin the last Sunday of November.

Our traditional Christmas Eve service will be held at 4:30PM and 7:00PM and you are encouraged to invite your family, friends, and neighbors to this beautiful service of carols and readings.

Stewardship Thought for the Week

Matthew 5:7 – “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” This is one of many Bible passages that remind us that we reap what we sow.  Likewise, what God puts into us (His own love, mercy, kindness and generosity) — flows back out of us. It all starts with His self-giving.

Pastor Carlson will be on Vacation from November 9th through the 22nd.  Pastor Polege will lead the Divine Services on the 12th and 19th.

During this time, if you need assistance, please contact your elder.

EDUCATING A NEW GENERATION OF LUTHERANS… Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken.  This week’s topics include: The Scientific Vocation, The Movie “The Exorcist: Believer,” Lutheran Bioethics, Witnessing to Unbelievers and more.  You can listen at your convenience at, the LPR mobile app and your favorite podcast provider.

Things dont just happen by accident and events in history arent just random.  It is not a mere platitude to say, Nothing is out of Gods control.  So, pray that His will be done, so that even when things seem pointless or upsetting, we trust that God is working behind the scenes to accomplish His good and gracious will for His people.  There is ALWAYS something more going on beyond what we can see!
s often good to take a step back and let God do His work.

Worship Service Information

Order of Service: Divine Service I (p. 151)


  • For All the Saints
  • We Sing For All the Unsung Saints
  • Jerusalem the Golden
  • Earth and All Stars
  • Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise
  • Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones


  • Revelation 7:2-17
  • 1 John 3:1-3
  • St. Matthew 5:1-12



  • Ron Moe (Nov. 8)


  • Alan Marxhausen (Nov. 6)


  • n/a

Book of the Month

Pre-orders now accepted. Available 11/14/2023. This item will ship when it becomes available.
Rev. Dr. Alfonso Espinosa examines The Three Estates and vocation to help you see how to take up God’s greatest call: showcasing God’s light through you and into the world.

Being part of society as a Christian means living out your faith in the church, the government, and the family. Lutherans call this The Three Estates. At the same time, every individual is called by God to do something in the world, known as your vocation. This can be a job, a volunteer program, or even being a parent. Both your vocation and living in The Three Estates are beautiful and rich parts of being a Lutheran. 

Rev. Dr. Alfonso Espinosa examines both of these theological concepts to help you see how to take up God’s greatest call: showcasing God’s light through you and into the world. Learn how to express Christ’s light in each portion of your life as you go about your daily routine. Understand how God’s light is upon you in a vertical calling and how it is through you in a horizontal calling. As you combine all of these callings, you will ultimately see how your life continuously points back to Christ and His plan for you. With a closing chapter on the theology of Sanctification, you’ll find yourself shining Christ’s light in every moment of your day. 

Pre-Order at Concordia Publishing House or (kindle)

Serving Schedule

Serving Next Week

If you are unable to keep your scheduled serving day, please contact the church at least a few days before the service so there is time to find a replacement. Thank you!

Teachers, please sign up to teach on the Sunday School Teachers schedule found on the bulletin board just outside the Fellowship Hall.  It is important that we know who is teaching at least 2 weeks in advance.  This year we will also need someone to sign up to teach the Sunday Youth Group.  If you have questions, please speak to Pastor.  Parents, please make every effort to have your kids in church and Sunday School every week.

What is Lifetree Cafe, and why is St. Paul’s doing it?  Simply put, Lifetree Cafe is an opportunity for St. Paul’s to reach out into the community through simple and helpful conversation, to fulfill our mission to “Grow together as God’s family in worship, fellowship, outreach, education, and service,” and to help those in our community who do not know the love of Christ.

Every first and third Wednesday, the fellowship hall is setup like a comfortable, cozy, and FREE “cafe” where everyone is welcome to come, enjoy delicious cafe food and beverages, and to take part in a 1-hour conversation-centered experience led by a series of video-based topics and pre-scripted questions and activities.  Topics range from simple, day-to-day matters such as stress, vacations, family issues, and even to matters of faith, theology, and spirituality.

Every member of St. Paul’s is invited and encouraged to attend, and to invite friends.  In fact, your inviting people to Lifetree Cafe is VERY important!  While there will be plenty of marketing throughout the community and online, word-of-mouth is always the best way. 

Speak to Pastor if you have interest or have more questions about Lifetree Cafe.  And please do pray for this endeavor, that it bears good fruit and draw sinners to the cross of Christ.

OUR NEXT MEETING IS NOVEMBER 15th at 7:00!  See the intro video below.  We will be asking, “Is the Devil Real”!

Finances & Attendance

Stew Supper donations and Scholarship Silent Auction proceeds will be announced at the voters meeting

Please continue to prayerfully commit to supporting the ministry of St. Paul’s through your regular offerings, and to take part in the worship and educational opportunities afforded.  St. Paul’s is here for you, your kids, and your neighbor!

Did you know your investment can have a bigger impact this season with Lutheran Church Extension Fund?

Our new, limited-time, six-and-a-quarter term note empowers you to grow your savings while strengthening, sustaining and starting Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod ministries.  This is for new money, with a minimum of $500 to open an account. And that is what truly sets us apart – your investment with LCEF directly supports LCMS ministries through this 2.5 year term note.

Visit to open an account today and earn a solid 6.25% return as you help build a brighter future for LCMS ministries.

Prayer Requests

Family of Tom Litfin

Family of Ray Halgren

Carla Scott

Family of Carl Fisher

Gary Asher

Donna Branca

"For Christ, both God and man, must lay hold on us in order that there may be a union between Him and us.”

Are you saving your Teals receipts and turning them in?  Every dollar you spend at Teals returns a percentage back to St. Paul’s, but you have to save your receipts and turn them in regularly.  Speak to Jane Marquardsen if you have questions!

The Sunday School Christmas Program, “Light a Candle,” will be Sunday, December 24th at 9:00am.  Rehearsals will start the last Sunday of November.  We need our Sunday School children and youth to step up and take speaking and acting roles for the program.

“Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 18:3

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. – Proverbs 22:6

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” – 3 John 1:4

“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.” – Ephesians 6:4

To be in worship, in Bible Study, and in Sunday School often is to be Christian.  To avoid these gifts from God, for whatever reason, is to give credence to the devil and his lie that the Scripture is not worth setting your busy life aside for just a couple hours a week.