Scripture: “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” – Psalm 1:1-2
What is blessedness? Oftentimes when people try to answer this question, they quickly wander from what the Scripture teaches and employ a worldly understanding. They look to philosophy and worldly wisdom rather than God. They may consider blessedness as virtuous living such as depriving themselves of any pleasure or joy, of living ascetic lives away from the temptations of the world in hopes to purify themselves of any vices of the flesh (though their flesh goes with them to their asceticism so how they can escape it is bewildering).
Others see blessedness as giving in fully to the desires of the flesh and its lusts and carnalness, scratching every desire through wild living and filling and storing up in barns great sums of profit and possessions.
But the Scripture defies anyone who seeks to define blessedness in either of these ways. For God says that he who is truly blessed is he who meditates on the law (or instruction/teaching) of the Lord, who loves and finds his delight and purpose and fulfillment in it.
One who is truly blessed is one who does not follow the wide and fleeting path of the multitudes, the world and the crowd all moving headlong to the abyss. But the one who suffers the reproaches and countless evils of the world, yet without consenting or giving into them is the one who is truly blessed. He who is not easily swayed by the many voices of the world and its wisdom, he is the one who is blessed because he is instead convinced and concerned with the voice of God and His divine wisdom.
For it is the ungodly that the world considers the most godly because the ungodly have no faith. They are secure and confident in their unholy and sinful living and have no fear of God. But the truly godly and wise, they are rejected by the world and even hated. Even so, they are of God and abide in God and His Word and are truly blessed forever!