St. Paul's Lutheran Church

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Stew Supper is October 11th. We still need a few more ingredients and helpers:

YOUTH, please plan on assisting with the carry out/pick up window orders and whatever else is needed.


We need a few more people to sign up and provide 30lb bags of potatoes, washed, peeled, and cut into 1-inch pieces.

We need a couple more people to provide 7-bunches (each) of celery, washed and cut into 1-inch pieces.

We need a couple more people to provide 20lb of carrots (each), washed and cut into 1-inch pieces

We need a couple more people to provide 15lb of onions (each), washed and cut into 1-inch pieces

Please sign up this Sunday while at church. If you won’t be in church but wish to provide, please email

Note: all ingredients need to be at the church by Wednesday morning the 11th. Bread may be picked up on Tuesday the 10th from Teals bakery.