St. Paul's Lutheran Church

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Issue: XXXIX.a

September 24, 2023


  • Stew Supper
  • Sunday School/Adult Bible Study
  • Voters Meeting


  • Weekly Devotion
  • Theological Study (Heresies)
  • Weekly Report

Stewardship Thought for the Week

Matthew 20:9 – “And when those hired about the eleventh hour came, each of them received a denarius.” Behold the generosity of God! He gives out of His grace, not what we deserve to receive. Living a godly life means living in imitation of God — and surely one of the foundations of God’s being is His generosity.

LAW & GOSPEL SERIES… What does St. Paul mean when he writes about “rightly handling the word of truth?”  Issues, Etc., a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL, has an in-depth series with Pr. Will Weedon based on “The Proper Distinction Between Law & Gospel” by C.F.W. Walther.  You can listen to the entire series at your convenience at

Worship Service Information

Order of Service: Divine Service III (p. 184)


  • Salvation Unto Us Has Come
  • Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying


  • Isaiah 55:7-9
  • Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30
  • Matthew 20:1-16



  • Ray Halgren (Sept 26)
  • Mike Maurer (Sept 30)


  • none


  • Shane/Nicole Hill (Sept 27)

Book of the Month

The Messianic Message: Predictions, Patterns, and the Presence of Jesus in the Old Testament

People typically associate Jesus and look for Him in the New Testament. However, we do see instances of Jesus throughout the Old Testament. In The Messianic Message R. Reed Lessing and Andrew E. Steinmann go through each book of the Old Testament and explain each prediction, pattern, and presence of Jesus.

This book intended for lay people, helps readers understand Jesus’ role and how these instances were beginning to lay the groundwork for His birth and ministry in the New Testament. Study the Old Testament through a Christ-centered lens in The Messianic Message and continue building your faith foundation and strengthening your relationship with the Messiah.

Order at Concordia Publishing House or (kindle)

Serving Schedule

Serving Next Week

If you are unable to keep your scheduled serving day, please contact the church at least a few days before the service so there is time to find a replacement. Thank you!

St. Paul’s Sunday School for all ages meets today!  

All the materials for this year are in!  Pastor will have them ready to go for our teachers and students.

Teachers, please sign up to teach on the Sunday School Teachers schedule found on the bulletin board just outside the Fellowship Hall.  It is important that we know who is teaching at least 2 weeks in advance.  This year we will also need someone to sign up to teach the Sunday Youth Group.  If you have questions, please speak to Pastor.  Parents, please make every effort to have your kids in church and Sunday School every week.

What is Lifetree Cafe, and why is St. Paul’s doing it?  Simply put, Lifetree Cafe is an opportunity for St. Paul’s to reach out into the community through simple and helpful conversation, to fulfill our mission to “Grow together as God’s family in worship, fellowship, outreach, education, and service,” and to help those in our community who do not know the love of Christ.

Every first and third Wednesday, the fellowship hall is setup like a comfortable, cozy, and FREE “cafe” where everyone is welcome to come, enjoy delicious cafe food and beverages, and to take part in a 1-hour conversation-centered experience led by a series of video-based topics and pre-scripted questions and activities.  Topics range from simple, day-to-day matters such as stress, vacations, family issues, and even to matters of faith, theology, and spirituality.

Every member of St. Paul’s is invited and encouraged to attend, and to invite friends.  In fact, your inviting people to Lifetree Cafe is VERY important!  While there will be plenty of marketing throughout the community and online, word-of-mouth is always the best way.  You are also encouraged to volunteer.  We will need baristas (people who make coffee-based drinks) and servers, and on occasion we’ll need someone to lead the discussion.

Speak to Pastor if you have interest or have more questions about Lifetree Cafe.  And please do pray for this endeavor, that it bear good fruit and draw sinners to the cross of Christ.

OUR NEXT MEETING IS OCTOBER 4th at 7:00!  See the intro video below.

Finances & Attendance

Please continue to prayerfully commit to supporting the ministry of St. Paul’s through your regular offerings, and to take part in the worship and educational opportunities afforded.  St. Paul’s is here for you, your kids, and your neighbor!

Stew Supper News

Stew Supper is scheduled for Wednesday, October 11th from 4pm to 7pm.  A sign-up board is in the Narthex for volunteers to provide ingredients and to help on the night of the supper.  As always, we need your help to make this a success.  We still have a number of volunteer opportunities and ingredient providers open.

Teals no longer carries the “dark pull-apart bread” but only the white.  Therefore, when signing up to provide bread, take note that you will be picking up whole wheat rolls (pre-sliced) from the Teals bakery in place of the dark pull-apart bread.  White pull-apart bread is the same as always.  You’ll pick up and pay for your bread on the 10th of October.

If you have questions, please speak to Ron or Sharon Moe.  Thank you for volunteering for this year’s Stew Supper!

Prayer Requests

Tom Litfin

Ray Halgren

Rev. Tim Lamkin

Family of Gary Anderson

Gary Asher

Gloria Oien

"May we never risk the life of our souls by being resentful or by bearing grudges."

Are you saving your Teals receipts and turning them in?  Every dollar you spend at Teals returns a percentage back to St. Paul’s, but you have to save your receipts and turn them in regularly.  Speak to Jane Marquardsen if you have questions!

This Sunday’s lesson is from the Gospel of Luke, the Good Samaritan.  We need our teachers to sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board AT LEAST TWO WEEKS before teaching.

It’s time for our kids to return to church and to learn about their Lord and Savior!  Let’s work to make this year’s Sunday School full of kids, youth, and adults.

Continuing this Sunday, the Sunday morning adult class will walk through the second module of the Re:Vitality series.  This module deals with inactive members and how to reach out to them and encourage them to return to regular worship.  Remember, this is about eternal life matters!  We should not let our inactives slip too far from us.  Please attend this video-driven module which will run through September.