St. Paul's Lutheran Church

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Please read the following important announcements:

After some additional discussion and rearranging of schedules and volunteers, we are able to hold the Stew Supper on the 2nd Wednesday of October, as is tradition. Stew Supper will be October 11th from 4:00 – 7:00.

Bread providers, you will need to pick up your bread from the Teals Bakery on the 10th (Tuesday) of October. All ingredients need to be at the church by the morning of the supper. Also remember to provide a couple of pies (apple or pumpkin).

Since this Sunday the 17th is Sunday School opening, we will also have our usual Ice Cream sundae social with proceeds supporting the St. Paul’s Scholarship fund. We will do this potluck style. Our Scholarship Committee will provide the ice cream and toppings for the sundae bar, and members are asked to bring a lite potluck treat (something breakfasty) to share with the congregation.

This Tuesday, St. Paul’s is hosting our circuit pastors for the monthly Circuit Meeting. We have been asked to put on an abbreviated Lifetree Cafe module so our circuit pastors can experience what it is like. Pastor will be making espresso drinks and coffee, and tables will be setup Lifetree Cafe style.

If you would like to participate and see Lifetree Cafe for yourself (a short version of it) I encourage you to come to the church at 9:00am for the Divine Service followed by Lifetree Cafe.

Reminder that this Sunday the 17th we will gather outside by the Koch/VanDonsel Memorial Garden for our worship service. Chairs will be setup. During the service we will bless the Memorial Garden which is now complete. If the weather won’t allow us to be outside, then we will meet inside as usual. There will be no Holy Communion served this Sunday and the service will be abbreviated to give time for or Sunday sundaes and potluck.

Reminder that Dave Anderson and Roger Walck will be in concert at St. Paul’s on Friday, September 22nd. We want a big crowd, and we want St. Paul’s members to represent as well. They have asked us to do a couple of things:

First, we will be housing them on Friday night at the Roadway Inn. A Thrivent Grant has already covered the cost of their rooms. Second, they have invited all of us to a light meal before the concert. The fellowship hall will be open at 6:00pm and there will be a meat/cheese tray and a veggie tray for us to enjoy with Dave and Roger. This invitation is for St. Paul’s members only. Finally, please be sure to share with friends and neighbors that Dave Anderson and Roger Walck will be in concert at St. Paul’s at 7:00 on the 22nd! These concerts depend on word-of-mouth. Also, if anyone would be interested in putting fliers in car windows at area churches this Sunday to help promote, please speak to Pastor. It would be as simple as walking around a church parking lot and putting a flier under the driver’s windshield wiper (I’ve been told by Dave that this works!). We have new Thrivent t-shirts to pass out and some of our members should wear them at the concert.

Whatever you do, keep working at it with all your heart, as for the Lord and not for people, because you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. Keep serving the Lord ChristDo everything without complaining and arguing, so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without blemish among a crooked and perverted generation. You shine among them like lights in the world” (Colossians 3:23-24 & Philippians 2:14-15).