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Sermon based on Matthew 15:21-28

  1. The Kingdom of Heaven is about what we deserve but what we believe
  2. Before Jesus saw the Canaanite woman, he was approached by the religious leaders
    • They criticized Him for allowing His disciples to eat without the ceremonial “washing of hands.”
  3. Jesus teaches them and His disciples about what truly makes a person ‘unclean’
    • It’s not what goes into the mouth and out the body
    • It’s what comes from the heart and out the mouth that makes him ‘unclean’
  4. The Canaanite woman, without pretense or airs, falls before Jesus and cries out “Kyrie!”
    • She literally humiliates herself by allowing the Lord to refer to her as a ‘dog.”
    • But she has such a faith that it doesn’t matter. She believes He can heal her daughter
    • Jesus praises her for her faith and does as she wishes.
  5. Like her, because of our sin, we are but dogs before the Lord and His table
    • As we cry out “Kyrie” to Him and repent of our sins, He hears us
    • Let us seek to feast from His table with such repentance and faith