St. Paul's Lutheran Church

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In order to keep things simple and consistent regarding meetings, classes, and services, Pastor Carlson is making the following slight adjustments to the schedule for the next two weeks, in lieu of the Convention in Milwaukee:

  1. NO Morning Prayer services this week OR next week (July 25, 27; Aug 1, 3)
  2. NO Thursday AM BoC Study this week or next week (July 27, Aug 3)
  3. NO Thursday PM Men’s Bible Study this week or next week (Jul 27, Aug 3)
  4. The Lifetree Planning Meeting will still be this Wednesday (July 26) at 5:30
  5. The VBS final planning meeting is still scheduled for Wednesday, August 9th at 6:00pm
  6. Elders will lead the Sunday service on July 30
  7. NO Bible Study after the Sunday service on July 30 (we will begin with the Re:Vitality Study series on August 6)

Thank you.