Text: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
Theme: The Seed and the Soil
Date: July 16, 2023
- Today we will consider a more biblical understanding of “church growth” and why it seems the Christian church in the USA is suffering decline
- Rather than attributing this decline to the fascination with “change”, the Scripture attributes it to “soil.”
- The Word of God is not the problem (the seed)
- The Gardner is not the problem (the Lord)
- It’s the soil upon which the seed falls (human beings)
- The falling seed
- Some seed falls on the path, on hard ground, and never takes root
- Some seed falls into the rocky places and the slightest trouble kills any growth
- Some seed falls into thorny places and worldly busyness and temptation scorch it out
- Some seed falls into good soil and grows.
- God grows His church, by His Word, and sometimes He disciplines His church so that it truly grow and yield a crop
- Therefore, do not worry and scramble to demand change and compromise
- Instead, repent, trust in the Lord, and continue to be faithful to His Word in all things.