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Did you know that there are reasons to contact your pastor? Sometimes the reasons are of the utmost importance, and sometimes it’s just nice that the pastor be notified. Below is a list, in order of importance, regarding when to contact the pastor. How should you contact the pastor, you ask? This really depends. Along with each reason is the preferred contact method you can use.

  1. You receive life-threatening news (phone call).
  2. There is a death in the family (phone call).
  3. There is a fire or tragic incident or accident (phone call or text message).
  4. You or a member of the congregation has been arrested or in jail (phone call or text message).
  5. You need to confess a sin and receive absolution (phone call, text message, email).
  6. You or a family member is considering an abortion (phone call or email).
  7. You or a family member has thoughts of suicide (phone call or text message).
  8. You are struggling with faith or spiritual issues (phone call, text message, email).
  9. You are in the midst of marital problems, there is substance abuse, etc. (phone call, text message, email).
  10. There is a pregnancy or teen pregnancy (phone call or email). Note: in the event that there’s a pregnancy outside of wedlock, private confession and absolution is absolutely necessary in order that the individual may continue to receive the Lord’s Supper. It may also be a good time to undergo some spiritual counseling and corrective behavior.
  11. A baptism is necessary (email or phone call).
  12. You are planning to get married (email or phone call).
  13. A family member is interested in joining or taking new member classes (email).
  14. The pastor said/did something that offended you or someone in your family (phone call or email). Note: DO NOT under any circumstance speak to others or spread gossip in this situation. Go directly to the pastor first. Gossip is very damaging to a congregation and to a pastor’s family.
  15. Need help with a theological question or concern (email or text message).
  16. Have a prayer request (email, text message, phone call). Note: You may also contact your elder who will initiate a prayer chain.
  17. You are planning on moving (email).
  18. You or a family member is moving into assisted living (phone call, text message, email).
  19. You lost your job (email, text message, phone call).
  20. You are considering leaving the congregation (email, phone call). Note: If you are considering leaving on account of something that made you unhappy, try not to spread gossip or rumors. Speak to the pastor or your elder first and try to reconcile whatever might be troubling you.
  21. Your child(ren) is/are going to college (email, text message, phone call). Note: The pastor will assist with finding a faithful LCMS congregation to participate in while away.

There are times when you may contact the pastor, but it’s just as appropriate to simply contact your Elder or the church office. Remember: The pastor is only one man and while he is equipped to handle a lot of situations, you should not overburden him with things that are much better handled by others. Examples of such things are:

Address changes, use of building requests, questions about church finances, announcements questions or submissions, name changes, hymn requests, offering to volunteer or take part on a church board, etc. In such situations, just contact your elder or the church office.